As you learned a written Chinese character is a combination of strokes. In our Lesson 01 (Stroke of a Chinese Character) you got to know the names and the correct way of writing five simple strokes. You can practice writing and pronouncing Chinese Characters using rest of basic strokes and compound strokes during today’s lesson. A good understanding of writing and arranging these ten strokes will help you write Chinese like native people.
- Tí – 提(Horizontal bending hook): ㇀
- Héng zhé – 横折(Horizontal-Vertical): 𠃍
- Shù gōu – 竖钩(Horizontal – Vertical – J hook): 亅
- Shù wān gōu – 竖弯钩(Vertical – Anticlockwise curve – J hook): 乚
- Héng zhé wān gōu – 横折弯钩(Horizontal – Throw – Anticlockwise curve – J hook): 乙